Tuesday, November 25th 2008, 1:44 AM
Ok...after much prayer and reflecting, this is the response I have come up with. I sent a draft to my pastor as I wanted his input before I sent in. He has come back and suggested that I also insert a line to the effect that I apologize if I have offended anyone. Initially I agreed with him and then I went to work at adding it in but I don't feel that I should apologize because I'm not going to stop doing what I do. The tracts ARE OFFENSIVE to those who are perishing and I knowingly pass them out being fully aware that people are going to be offended. Would it be hypocritical for me to say I'm sorry...but I'm still going to do it. I am perplexed. I want to respect my pastor's wishes, but I don't know how to approach this. I'm hoping to meet with him quickly in the morning to talk about it, but thought I'd post here too and see what others might think about this?
Dear Sirs/Madames:
I am the one who passed out the gospel tracts at the Legion after the Remembrance Day service in Gold River. I would like to firstly point out that I did this of my own volition and was not representing the legion, or any church group. At least one person has taken offense to the message on the back of the million dollar bills that I handed out. I also took offense to the message when I first heard it but upon examining my own life and soul and comparing it to God’s standard I saw the need to be made right with Him in order to not receive the punishment I so justly deserved.
Because I care about people in this community and their future, I choose to distribute gospel tracts and invite conversation and will continue to do so with the hope that others will see their need to make some changes in their own lives and learn that they can start anew.
My intention is not to offend people, but to merely share what is near and dear to my heart. My motives are simple and there is nothing “in it” for me except knowing that I am being faithful and obedient to the Word of God.
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About Me

- Katie
- I am a born again Christian (there is no other kind) who is passionate about the gospel. I believe in the basic evangelism principles of "Law to the proud and Grace to the humble". I seek to share the gospel wherever my Lord takes me. I am seeking to connect with others who are eager to share the Law and the Gospel in various places around north Vancouver Island, Way of the Master style. Yes, it is scary...but it is effective. We are commanded to share the good news of the Gospel and if we love God and if we love people, we MUST share our faith in a BIBLICAL manner...just like Jesus did! I thought that because I was heavily involved in my church, attended regularly, tithed, and I BELIEVED in Jesus that I was saved! There is much more to it. I had not repented (turned from) my sin. As soon as I realized that I was a wretched blob of filth, I fell to my knees, repented and put my life in the hands of Jesus. I can feel God's transforming presence daily in my life. I am excited about each day and what new opportunities it may bring. If you are interested in teaming up for some evangelism activities, please email me: shutterkat@gmail.com
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