I had a conversation with a friend who stopped by during the Christmas holidays. She's not saved. She can't understand why I feel the need to do what I do because she's not saved. I followed up our conversation with an email explaining to her that what I do is out of my love for God and my love for people and that I am trying to be obedient to the Word of God and fulfill the Great Commission. I didn't use all the bible jargon because that would just confuse the issue. I couldn't understand why all my "unsaved friends" would "ditch" me when I haven't even spoken to them about the Law or Gospel. She obviously couldn't speak for our other friends, but she has spoken for herself, and I'm just so incredibly saddened by this:
To comment on your other thoughts, I can't speak for others and how they are acting or not acting but me personally, I'm glad that you are fine and wish you much happiness. Do what you need to do to fulfill all your needs. Be Happy! Most of us wish we could do this or that or we dream of a better way but for the most part we do little or nothing to achieve what we may be searching for. We just cruise along and at the end of the day hope it's all OK. Does that make sense? But you are finding your way .... making it better!
So, having said that, I have always enjoyed your company Katie and I think we have had many neat memories together. Yes, you have changed and I hope the new you still has time for the old me. Regarding your new path of Evangelism, it's not my cup of tea and I hope you respect that as I respect what you are doing. "Whatever floats your boat!" "Agree to disagree". "Accept each other for who we are."
I value our friendship and miss our visits of days gone by. I don't mind engaging in meaningful 'gospel' conversation now and again (God knows I need all the help I can get, lol) but on the other hand, I hope we would have other things to gab about too. Or other activities or common interests to share. So, if you're on the same page as me, I'm in my happy place! If not, I guess we'll figure something else out.
This is how I responded: (Note: I have edited out stuff that is not related, and Nels is my unsaved husband, whom she had asked about in the PS of her email)
I truly appreciate your honesty. I will make you a promise that I will not discuss the evangelism with you again after this email. It is a huge part of my life but your friendship means THAT much to me. :`O)
As far as Nels goes…he is not yet saved. But, he is very supportive in spite of the fact that he doesn’t understand. I’m actually quite surprised at how supportive he is. He prefers that I don’t “work” when he’s around and I respect that. I cannot expect him to understand, because he’s not there…yet. And I say yet…with hope. My dream is that all my family and friends come to faith…but I know it can’t be MY doing…it’s God’s. All I can do is present the truth in love, answer questions, and love them despite my sadness in knowing what is to come, without faith. God does not want us to waste our time, preaching to people whose hearts are sealed to the truth when there are so many lost souls out there who are receptive. Somewhere in the bible it says something about “shaking off the dust and leaving” if you are not welcomed. So that is the plan…eventually! :O)
I know that my experience has changed me. They said it would likely be life-changing and they were right! I had many “defining moments” when I was in Cerritos and realized that I needed to change several areas in my life that were interfering with my walk. I had a lot of sin in my own life that I hadn’t dealt with and it prevented me from fulfilling all of my goals during my training. I was a mess the first two days, but it was very healing. I also saw married couples (there was actually a young couple attending on their Honeymoon if you can believe that!!! LOL) at this training who were loving, supportive and cheering each other on and I realized how much I wanted THAT. (Commandment #10 – Thou shall not covet!! hehe) So…when I came home my biggest priority was to try to get our marriage on track. I asked Nels if he was happy with our marriage and he said that he wasn’t really, but had gotten used to it. So I told him (again!) that I am also not happy with it. So I said that we can do nothing…and THIS is as good as it will be, or we could work on it. We’ve decided to work on it. We both know that I can’t fix it, and HE can’t fix it, but maybe WE with God’s help can fix it…and he has agreed. We are making some progress, but the big work will start next month. I have done some reading and self-examination and immediately saw stuff that I was doing that was detrimental. I was more or less doing it for revenge for his behaviour over the years, but I certainly have my fair share of responsibility for our marriage being in the state that it is. I have made just a few corrections and changes in my actions and have seen very encouraging progress already. Again…I see firsthand, evidence that God gives us a new heart with new desires!
*climbs off her soapbox* I hereby promise that I will not talk about Evangelism with you (and of course, you are always welcome to ask)…(Left hand is on virtual stack of bibles…lol)
Anyways…have a good weekend…
Love, K
I'm not sure if I have done the right thing. But, if I told her that I would continue to talk about evangelism, I'm quite certain the friendship would be over. She hasn't been THAT close of a friend the past couple of years but I do want to preserve whatever is left, and hopefully she will feel provoked to asked questions down the road. I know exactly what she will be facing if she doesn't get right with God at some point in this life, so part of me just wants to scream. But, if she's not open, I can only pray for more opportunities for her to hear the truth somewhere along the path before it is too late.
I do have to respect her for the fact that she's been honest with me, which is far more than my other "friends" have been.
If God does not save her, on judgement day, she will think back to our conversations and remember...This is what she tried to warn me about.
Please keep my friend "C" in your prayers.
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About Me

- Katie
- I am a born again Christian (there is no other kind) who is passionate about the gospel. I believe in the basic evangelism principles of "Law to the proud and Grace to the humble". I seek to share the gospel wherever my Lord takes me. I am seeking to connect with others who are eager to share the Law and the Gospel in various places around north Vancouver Island, Way of the Master style. Yes, it is scary...but it is effective. We are commanded to share the good news of the Gospel and if we love God and if we love people, we MUST share our faith in a BIBLICAL manner...just like Jesus did! I thought that because I was heavily involved in my church, attended regularly, tithed, and I BELIEVED in Jesus that I was saved! There is much more to it. I had not repented (turned from) my sin. As soon as I realized that I was a wretched blob of filth, I fell to my knees, repented and put my life in the hands of Jesus. I can feel God's transforming presence daily in my life. I am excited about each day and what new opportunities it may bring. If you are interested in teaming up for some evangelism activities, please email me: shutterkat@gmail.com
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