Yesterday was July 1st, Canada Day. My 11 year old daughter, her little friend and I took a drive to the next town, 90 km east of my village. We wanted to participate in some Canada day events and go to a movie, something we cannot do in our home town. There was a community fair in the town centre with various groups who had rented tables to promote their non-profit group. The third table we stopped at belonged to a Lutheran Church. They were offering free photos of participants and once the photo was taken, they would use a special effect on it and then email it to the participant's address. There was also a draw box to win some Veggie Tales prizes. If you wanted to enter the draw, you could stipulate whether or not they could send you an email invitation to their upcoming VBS. There were a couple of women there running the "event". On the table was a display of sample photos which had been edited, and some slips of paper with VBS information on it (time, date, place, age group).
There was not one tract, book, bible, church leaflet, or contact info sheet on the table to be seen. The woman that was greeting, made no effort to even start a conversation with people lined up for their free photo.
I was extremely saddened by the fact that these people showed not one bit of interest in sharing the gospel or having any sort of spiritual conversation with anyone. I felt quite prompted to start up a conversation with the woman at the "front desk" to see if/how she shared the gospel with others...but my daughter had already asked me if this could just be a "fun day out" for her and her friend and I promised her that I would not evangelize. I really had a hard time not handing out tracts or starting conversations but I did keep my promise to her, except for when they were both in the washroom...I handed out tracts to people passing through the hall while I was waiting for them.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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About Me

- Katie
- I am a born again Christian (there is no other kind) who is passionate about the gospel. I believe in the basic evangelism principles of "Law to the proud and Grace to the humble". I seek to share the gospel wherever my Lord takes me. I am seeking to connect with others who are eager to share the Law and the Gospel in various places around north Vancouver Island, Way of the Master style. Yes, it is scary...but it is effective. We are commanded to share the good news of the Gospel and if we love God and if we love people, we MUST share our faith in a BIBLICAL manner...just like Jesus did! I thought that because I was heavily involved in my church, attended regularly, tithed, and I BELIEVED in Jesus that I was saved! There is much more to it. I had not repented (turned from) my sin. As soon as I realized that I was a wretched blob of filth, I fell to my knees, repented and put my life in the hands of Jesus. I can feel God's transforming presence daily in my life. I am excited about each day and what new opportunities it may bring. If you are interested in teaming up for some evangelism activities, please email me: